Author Archives: Forest Ray PhD

Gene Active in Skeletal Muscle Controls Mice’s Fat Metabolism

Skeletal muscle regulates how the body stores and metabolizes fats through the Krüppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) gene, establishing a molecular link between muscle health and conditions such as obesity and diabetes, according to a recent study in mice. The findings also showed that a diet rich in short-chain fatty acids…

Volunteers Sought for Large Home-based Study on Diabetes, Obesity

Scripps Research and Tempus are launching a study that uses genetic and other information to better understand what drives the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. By understanding how and why individual blood sugar levels change in response to food, researchers hope to improve the treatment of…

Multiple Factors Seen to Underlie Bardet-Biedl Symptoms in 2 Brothers

The case of two brothers with differing symptoms but the same genetic mutation underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) — a rare form of genetic obesity — supports the hypothesis that genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors all interact in this disorder. The study, “Clinical characteristics and ultra-widefield fundus…

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